Spice Vendor Display

Spice Vendor Display
Spices are the center of every fresh food market in the world!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Using more Spices and Seasonings might make you Healthier?

Welcome to my blog. I am the SpiceMan , and I love Spices & Seasonings! In fact, I believe the more you use in your daily diet, the healthier you will be eating. Let me explain.

Recently, I saw data that shows that despite the fact that Americans are eating  more food, we are using LESS Spices and Seasonings to flavor that food.  In fact, since 2004 Spice imports and overall usage has dropped 3% yet our population has grown 2.5%  and our average daily calorie intake has increase almost 2% .

So... the obvious question is, "How are we seasoning this food? " The answer is simple.

Food Scientist are now playing  a critical role in every food manufacturing or restaurant company. Their primary role  is to make food taste great  while helping make the cost of that food cost less.  They are doing this by using more Salt, MSG, Sugar, Artificial Flavors and Fat.

This Blog will be dedicated to learning more about and discussing how to make your food taste better and healthier by using Spices and Seasonings.

Join Me !

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